
Legislation will provide legal basis for use of ‘body cams’ by Gardaí...

The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) today (29 April 2021) published the first output of a joint research agreement between the two organisations...

Ireland committed to work together with European Member States to bolster Europe’s processor and semiconductor ecosystem...

Minister Catherine Martin has today welcomed the BAI announcement of the allocation of €2.58m to the independent commercial radio sector. Minister Catherine Martin provided €2.5m to the BAI in December for this purpose...

Fund to support development of Ireland’s first National Hub Network...

The Minister of State for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora, Colm Brophy, T.D., today announced over €21 million in Irish Aid funding to Trócaire for its development and humanitarian work overseas, as well as for public engagement and development education work in Ireland...

Ministers of State James Browne, Mary Butler and Frank Feighan attend the first meeting of the High Level Taskforce on mental health and addiction challenges of persons interacting with the criminal justice system...

The Department of Social Protection is aware of fraudulent phone calls and text messages claiming to be from the Department seeking personal information e.g. PPS number / Bank Account details...

Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine, Martin Heydon, T.D. chaired the inaugural meeting of the new Pig Roundtable today 28th of April...

