
Minister Harris has today announced the appointment of Dr Andrea Johnson and David Cagney as Co-Chairs for the national review of State supports for PhD researchers.

Minister Joe O’Brien TD today opened the 6th Rural Ideas Forum as the Department of Rural and Community Development continued its series of engagement fora.

Led by Minister of State for Law Reform, James Browne TD, this Bill sets out the framework for a modern, robust regulatory and licensing regime for the gambling sector.

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue, T.D. today announced the commencement of advance payments under Year 6 of the Sheep Welfare Scheme.

The Tánaiste Leo Varadkar Ministers Harris and Calleary announce that 11 innovative projects have been approved funding of up to €40m in the first tranche of awards under the fourth round of the Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund.

Minister Fleming welcomes the publication of the fourth National Claims Information Database (NCID) Private Motor Insurance Report.

The Minister for Defence, Simon Coveney TD, today (15 November) attended a meeting of EU Defence Ministers in Brussels.

Ministers Foley and Madigan announce further details on the implementation of the first phase of the Irish Sign Language (ISL) scheme

