
The Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan T.D., represented Ireland at the Justice and Home Affairs Council meetings in Brussels with his EU counterparts on the 6th and 7th of December, 2018...

Minister publishes a Consultation Paper: The Future Direction of Exemptions from the Study of Irish which includes draft revised circulars

The Minister with Responsibility for Defence, attended the Conferring of Academic Awards on Defence Forces personnel by University College Dublin.

Minister underlines importance of ratification of Istanbul Convention. Minister also confirms that students will be a distinct group within the SAVI 2 report

The Marine Casualty Investigation Board has today published its report into the marine incident on 12th September 2016 which led to the Coast Guard volunteer, Caitríona Lucas, tragically losing her life.

The Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government and An Cathaoirleach, Cllr Ossian Smyth has jointly marked the official opening of 44 new homes

Minister was speaking as he attended EPSCO Council Meeting of EU Health Ministers in Brussels

The Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government has issued Urban Development and Building Heights Guidelines for Planning Authorities

Public bodies have saved over €1 billion on energy spend and 3.6 million tonnes of avoided CO2 emissions since 2009

Representatives from industry, academia, political parties, the media, and civil society came together today for the first Open Policy Forum on the regulation of online political advertising...

