
European collaboration to advance local and regional renewable energy systems

Fund aims to strengthen public finances and improve Irish economy’s resilience to external economic shocks

Draft National Risk Assessment 2018 published for public consultation

A Government of Ireland initiative, will bring more than 25 State bodies and services together to offer advice to small businesses in the Mid-West

Minister Josepha Madigan welcomed the announcement by Music Network of funding awards totalling €224,000 under the

"We have to ensure that the highest standards of safety apply on Irish railways” said Minister Ross when he brought a draft General Scheme to Cabinet today

Tánaiste Simon Coveney, marked the 20th anniversary of the referendums on the Good Friday Agreement

The Government nominated the Hon. Mr. Justice Gerard Hogan for appointment as an Advocate General to the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Ms. Heather Humphreys, Minister for Business Enterprise and Innovation today took part in the meeting of EU Trade Ministers in Brussels, which focussed on progress with Trade Negotiations with partners across the globe and our current EU/US Trade relations.

