
Minister Bruton today launched The Chief Inspector’s Report from the Inspectorate of the Department of Education and Skills.

Schools will receive grant of up to €33,000 to purchase key enabling technology

The Minister with Responsibility for Defence, Mr. Paul Kehoe, attended the Distinguished Service Medal Award Ceremony of Sub Lieutenant, now Lieutenant-Commander, Jamie Cotter for his part in Operation Sea Bight. The ceremony took place at the Naval Base, Haulbowline in County Cork.

New advance passenger information system will be part of a harmonised EU shared intelligence network to counter terrorism and serious crime

I welcome today’s launch by the Irish Penal Reform Trust of this major research study on the use of solitary confinement and restricted regimes in Ireland

Ireland’s survival rates for cancer patients have improved significantly - latest figures published by The Lancet

Minister Kehoe, today attended the Distinguished Service Medal Award Ceremony of Sub Lieutenant, now Lieutenant-Commander, Jamie Cotter...

