
The Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine has announced that end of year Nitrogen and Phosphorus statements (N&P Statements) for 2017 are now available on the Department’s online system

The Minister for Justice, Charlie Flanagan, has commented on today’s reports on the classification of homicides and allegations about Garda investigations.

Minister Cannon pledges €25 million to ensure that the poorest and most vulnerable children receive a quality education

Ireland Is Focus Country at Key Music Industry Event Part of GB18: Promoting Irish Arts in Britain.

Tusla and the INMO have reached an agreement at the Labour Court regarding the future recruitment of Early Years Inspectors within Tusla.

The Minister for Agriculture today announced an extension of the closing date for the receipt of continuation forms / new entrant application forms for year 2 of Sheep Welfare Scheme.

Bill will strengthen rules on data protection: “People will have more control over their personal data and businesses will benefit from a level playing field”

Up to €7,000 will be available to Taxi/Hackney/and Limousine drivers to drive the shift towards electric vehicles.

‘Play areas, extra places and maintenance to be supported’ Applications open 12th February – 9th March 2018

