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Launch of Public Consultation for Ireland’s National Implementation Report 2017 under the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Protocol

Denis Naughten, T.D., Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment today launched the public consultation for Ireland’s second National Implementation Report under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (known as the PRTR Protocol).

The PRTR Protocol seeks to reduce the burden of pollution and waste by establishing publicly accessible national pollutant registers. The Protocol requires each of its Parties to establish and maintain a publicly accessible national PRTR that meets certain requirements which are set out in the Protocol. The Irish PRTR, which was launched in October 2011, is maintained by the Environmental Protection Agency and is available at

Public Participation
Minister Naughten recognises the role the public, including environmental NGOs, can play in environmental protection and, in particular, the role that effective public participation can play in improving the quality of decision-making related to the environment. Prior to finalising Ireland’s National Implementation Report, 2017, Minister Naughten encourages members of the public and other parties with an interest in the protection of Ireland’s environment to submit comments on the implementation of the PRTR Protocol in Ireland.

The purpose of this consultation is to provide the UNECE, the PRTR Protocol Secretariat and the PRTR Protocol Compliance Committee with the widest possible range of views and opinions on issues related to the implementation and practical arrangements for the implementation and promotion of the PRTR Protocol in Ireland.

Draft report
The draft report on which comments are sought and a copy of the UNECE PRTR Protocol text are available below:

Preliminary Draft of Ireland’s National Implementation Report 2017

Text of the PRTR Protocol

Further information on the public consultation

Comments on the draft document should be submitted by email or received by post no later than 5pm on Thursday 01st December to the addresses below:


Post: Environment Policy Section
Department of the Communications, Climate Action and Environment
Newtown Road
Y35 AP90