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Abbeyshrule wins Tidy Towns 2012

Abbeyshrule has just been announced the winner of the SuperValu TidyTowns Award for 2012, from among a record level of 855 entries. The announcement was greeted by huge celebration, as the Co. Longford village, stood on the winner’s podium for the first time in the history of the competition.

On hand to present the prizes were Mr. Phil Hogan, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government and Mr. Martin Kelleher, Managing Director of SuperValu, the competition’s sponsor. The event was packed with almost 1,000 representatives from TidyTowns groups, from all over the country, eagerly anticipating the announcement of the winners.

Abbeyshrule also claimed the award for Ireland’s Tidiest Village. Other winners included Clonakilty, Co. Cork which received the award for Ireland’s Tidiest Small Town, Westport, Co. Mayo which received the award of Ireland’s Tidiest Large Town, and Ennis, Co. Clare which was named Ireland's Tidiest Large Urban Centre,

Speaking after the awards Minister Hogan said: "This is a fantastic achievement for Abbeyshrule; a really worthy winner. My congratulations to Abbeyshrule and all of the other prize-winners. I continue to be impressed by the dedication and enthusiasm of all those involved in the SuperValu TidyTowns competition. These people volunteer their time and effort, year on year, in order to make their communities better places. The results of their efforts are to be seen in attractive, well cared-for towns and villages throughout the country. It is clear that working together, getting out there and getting things done increases peoples’ pride in where they live and helps to build stronger communities. This is why I am delighted to see this competition continue to grow even after 54 years."

The Minister also thanked SuperValu, the competition’s sponsor. He said: "I would like to thank SuperValu for their continued sponsorship for the past 21 years. They have been integral to sustaining and developing the SuperValu TidyTowns competition, through their financial sponsorship and the support provided to TidyTowns groups by their local stores. SuperValu’s sponsorship of this competition is a clear demonstration of their commitment to supporting local communities."

Martin Kelleher, Managing Director, SuperValu, said: "SuperValu TidyTowns is the public expression of the work countless individuals undertake to build community spirit and make their local area a better place to live. SuperValu together with its countrywide network of local retailers is committed to helping build and support vibrant local communities. I am delighted to congratulate this year’s winners and to be able to take this opportunity to encourage, communities in these particularly tough times, to pull together for the greater good of the place they call home."

Additionally, in a first for the competition, 13 SuperValu TidyTowns ‘Local Community Heroes’ were also honoured and presented with a specially commissioned commemorative pin by Minister Hogan and SuperValu Managing Director, Martin Kelleher. It is hoped this recognition programme will grow and develop over the coming years, to recognise the people who are the backbone of many of the TidyTowns committees around the country.

Interest in the SuperValu TidyTowns competition has been stronger than ever in recent times and the number of entries has been growing year on year. This year communities were again encouraged to ‘Get Your Hands Dirty for TidyTowns’ in a promotional campaign by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government and sponsor SuperValu. The response to this call was overwhelming with a record 855 communities entering the competition - an increase from 821 entries last year.

The TidyTowns competition is organised by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government and sponsored by SuperValu. The SuperValu has sponsored the competition since 1992.

Full details of all this year’s winners are available at
