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Active participation of 1916 families in commemorative events will be critical as we approach centenary - Deenihan

On Wednesday, November 13, Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, launched a compilation of interviews with relatives of those involved in the 1916 Rising. The collection features approximately 100 interviews with the relatives of those who were involved in the 1916 Rising, including their children and grandchildren, and other close relatives. The Minister has described those taking part as "near witnesses to the making of some of Ireland's most significant history."

The launch in Dublin Castle brought together many of the interviewees and their families. For some it was a chance to renew old acquaintances, while for others, it was the first time that they had met the families of other protagonists in 1916.

Minister Deenihan commented:

"Wednesday’s launch was an important event in many ways. While it allowed us the opportunity to recognise the importance of the 1916 Rising, the most pleasing aspect was that it brought together representatives of some of the families who were part of the Easter Rising story. As we move forward to 2016 and the centenary celebrations, it is important that these people, who have been for many years custodians of the national memory, are involved in the commemorative ceremonies. By providing them with the opportunity to share and record their recollections, we can ensure that their memories are preserved for future generations. I would encourage anyone who has a story to tell, like the participants in the 1916 Oral History Collection, to put it on record now, so that their recollections may be available for future use by academics, historians and the general public.

"As Chairman of the Commemoration and Decade of Centenaries Programme, I have set out to ensure that the 1916 Rising and other significant events which we are commemorating are remembered in an inclusive and respectful manner. The launch of the 1916 Oral History Collection was a wonderful example of this, as families who may have differed in their political viewpoints, both now and in the past, were able to come together to commemorate an event which defines our nation. As we continue with the Decade of Centenaries Programme, I look forward to the future participation of families and relatives of people who played key roles in the tumultuous events of that decade.”