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An additional €60,657 has been approved Minister of State Sean Kyne for Bliain na Gaeilge 2018.

An additional €60,657 has been approved by Government Chief Whip and Minister of State for the Irish Language, the Gaeltacht and the Islands, Seán Kyne, today to undertake additional activities in the second half of Bliain na Gaeilge 2018.

Following cross-Government support, Bliain na Gaeilge 2018 was officially launched by An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, in December 2017, highlighting the Government’s continuing commitment to the Irish language and to the special year to put the Irish language centre stage, at home and abroad. A grant of €450,000 was initially approved for Foras na Gaeilge to implement the year-long programme and a further €26,000 was approved mid-year in order to fund all the valid applications under the Ciste 125 initiative.

Speaking today, the Minister of State said he was delighted at the success of Bliain na Gaeilge 2018 and that a comprehensive programme was planned for the second half of the year arising from the great public interest in the schemes and activities generally.

He said,

I am particularly happy that the Irish speaking community at home and abroad is pulling together with a new energy to promote our native language during Bliain na Gaeilge. The additional activities proposed by Foras na Gaeilge and Conradh na Gaeilge will add greatly to Bliain na Gaeilge 2018 and, as a result, will also impact positively on the 20 Year Strategy for the Irish Language 2010-2030. In those circumstances, I was delighted to approve an additional grant of €60,657 for Bliain na Gaeilge to incorporate extra activities into the programme.

The Minister for State availed of the opportunity to encourage people to speak, learn or relearn the Irish language.

The Irish language belongs to us and, as I often say, a spoken language is a living language. We can make a significant difference if we avail of the opportunity during Bliain na Gaeilge to be more active about the language and to encourage more people to speak our native language also.

Finally, the Minister for State thanked the working group, comprising Foras na Gaeilge, Conradh na Gaeilge, Údarás na Gaeltachta, RTÉ, TG4, and many other groups who have done tremendous work to realise the vision for Bliain na Gaeilge 2018.

Further information on Bliain na Gaeilge 2018 and the programme for the second half of the year can be accessed at