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An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar launches Healthy Ireland Summer 2018 campaign

An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, with Minister for Health Simon Harris and Minister of State for Health Promotion Catherine Byrne, launched the Government’s Healthy Ireland Summer 2018 campaign in the Phoenix Park today. 

The Healthy Ireland 2018 campaign seeks to encourage people to get out and get active together this summer – whether walking with a group, visiting some of our many parks and heritage sites with family or sharing a salad or summer fruit with friends. 

Building on January’s Healthy Ireland 2018 campaign, which encouraged people to make a small, healthy change, the Summer campaign highlights the benefits of making those changes with others – getting out and feeling good together. Research shows that starting a healthy habit with someone, such as a family member, friend or colleague, is more likely to last than if you do it alone. 

These positive changes are focused on three key areas: eating more healthily, being more active, and minding our mental wellbeing. With the opportunities that the summer brings – longer days and better weather, along with healthy, seasonal fruit and veg - people are encouraged to ‘pause the box set’ and take the opportunity to be outdoors, to connect with others in our communities and enjoy our natural amenities. Healthy Ireland, along with all of our partners, provides support and information to help people make these healthy choices. 

Speaking at the launch of the Healthy Ireland Summer 2018 campaign the Taoiseach said

“The message of the Government’s Healthy Ireland Summer 2018 campaign is simple; small steps can make a big difference to your health, you just need to start. And if you start with someone else, you’re more likely to make a lasting change. We’re encouraging everyone to get involved with your neighbours, friends and family or through Healthy Ireland partner organisations to join a group that can help you to take that first step to a healthier lifestyle. Summer is here and it’s an ideal time to plan to get outdoors more often, to enjoy our parks and other amenities, to go for a walk or a run or just take a mental break. These positive and sustainable changes can help us all build a healthy Ireland." 

Minister for Health Simon Harris said:

“Healthy Ireland is about supporting people to improve their own health and wellbeing. This summer provides us all with a new opportunity to take those first steps to a healthy change.  Creating a healthier Ireland is a job for us all and means every Government Department and every sector playing their part to achieve that vision. I'd like to thank all of our partners for their hard work and support.  If everyone made one small change this summer, it would add up to a big change for the health of the whole population." 

Minister for Health Promotion Catherine Byrne said:

“Our mission is to get the Healthy Ireland message into homes and communities all across the country, so we can better help and support individuals and families make those changes that people want to make, but which everyday struggles make harder to do. There are a number of partner initiatives and supports working with us to help achieve that, so that together we can deliver clear, consistent messages and resources which will have an impact on the health of families and communities for the rest of their lives”. 

Healthy Ireland is a major Government-led programme to encourage and support everyone living in Ireland to have the best possible physical and mental health and wellbeing. 

This campaign looks to build on the work done by Healthy Ireland over the past three years, as well as a first phase of the 2018 Communications Campaign launched in January. The implementation of Healthy Ireland involves significant collaborative, cross-governmental work to develop and implement policies to address our major public health challenges such as obesity, smoking and physical inactivity, and to ensure related policy areas, such as education, planning, transport, rural and community development are aligned to facilitate and prioritise health and wellbeing. 

Visit and follow #healthyireland and #feelgoodtogether to find out about the changes you can make, and to find resources, tips and ways to get involved.