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Appointment of new Commissioner to the Independent Commission for the Location of Victims Remains

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Mr. Charles Flanagan, T.D., today announced the appointment of Mr. Tim Dalton as Ireland’s Commissioner to the Independent Commission for the Location of Victims Remains (ICLVR). Tim Dalton will join Sir Ken Bloomfield as a Commissioner to the ICLVR.

Minister Flanagan said:

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Tim Dalton as Commissioner to the ICLVR. Tim will bring a wealth of experience and ability to the Commission and I have no doubt that he will make a very considerable contribution to the Commission’s essential work.

With the support of the Governments, the Commission has worked tirelessly on behalf of the families of the Disappeared. The Commission’s work is purely humanitarian in its objective. The families of the Disappeared have suffered enough and anyone with information about any of the cases of the Disappeared to convey that information to the Commission without delay.

Notes for Editors

1. The Independent Commission for the Location of Victims’ Remains was established by an intergovernmental agreement between the British and Irish Governments, signed on 27 April 1999, and by legislation enacted in the two jurisdictions. The Department of Justice and Equality, in conjunction with the Northern Ireland Office, provides financial support for the Commission. The Commission is responsible for facilitating the location of the remains of victims of paramilitary violence who were murdered and secretly buried arising from the conflict in Northern Ireland.

2. Mr. Tim Dalton served as Secretary General of the Department of Justice and Equality from 1993 to 2004. During that time he was a member of a small team of senior civil servants who, together with their British Government counterparts and in consultation with political parties, engaged in the background work that supported the search for peace in Northern Ireland in the period leading up to and following the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. In that regard he was instrumental in advancing progress on security and justice matters including in relation to decommissioning and the arrangements to address the position of paramilitary prisoners. Following his retirement from the Civil Service Mr. Dalton undertook a variety of assignments in the public and private sectors. He is currently a member on the Commission for Future of Policing in Ireland who are due to complete their work in September of this year.

3. The Commission has in place a confidential free-phone number and post office box address through which information can be passed to it. Any such information will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not be used for any purpose other than locating the remains of victims.

Confidential free-phone number: +800-55585500
PO Box 10827
Dublin 2

Further information about the Commission and its activities and about the Disappeared is available at