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Appointments to Ervia Board

The Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Simon Coveney TD, announced the appointment of four new members of the Ervia Board on 6 July 2016..

The new board members are:
Tony Keohane, appointed for a 5 year term
Christopher Banks, appointed for a 5 year term
Fred Barry, appointed for a 4 year term
Keith Harris, appointed for a 3 year term

The Minister also announced his nominee for Chair Designate as Tony Keohane. Mr Keohane must appear before the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government before his formal appointment can be finalised.

The process which has resulted in these appointments was conducted in line with the requirements of the Government’s procedures for making appointments to State Boards through the Public Appointments Service and the specific arrangements that apply to the NewERA State bodies, which include Ervia and Irish Water.

Background information on the appointees
Tony Keohane, Chairman Tesco Ireland from July 2013 to July 2015, CEO Tesco Ireland from February 2006 to July 2013, Appointed chairman of Repak since November 2013, Non-executive director of An Bord Bia;
Christopher Banks, Main board commercial director at Scottish Water from 2002 to 2014;
Fred Barry, Chief Executive National Roads Authority from 2005 to end 2015. Former group managing director/managing director UK and Ireland of Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. between 1995 and 2005. As chief executive of the National Roads Authority, Mr. Barry was on the board of the National Development Finance Agency (NDFA) from 2005 to 2012.; and
Keith Harris, Joined Wessex Water in 1989 and became deputy CEO in Wessex Water in 2005. He left Wessex Water in 2010. He is currently non- executive director, and Chair of the Audit Committee, of South Staffordshire Water.