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Appointments to the Board of the National Disability Authority

The Minister for Justice and Equality Charlie Flanagan and the Minister of State with special responsibility for Disabilities Finian McGrath today announced details of the new membership of the Board of the National Disability Authority (NDA).

The NDA is mandated to provide advice on disability policy and practice to the Ministers; to undertake, commission and collaborate in disability research; advise on standards and guidelines in services to people with disabilities; and to develop standards, education and promote awareness of Universal Design.

The appointments are for a four-year term and five positions on the Board were filled following a process of inviting expressions of interest undertaken by the Public Appointments Service.

Minister for Justice and Equality Charlie Flanagan said:

I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate the new members of the NDA, to wish them well in their future work and to thank them for their commitment to improving the lives of people with disabilities in the State.

The expertise of the new board will be essential in leading the Authority to deliver on its responsibilities to provide information and evidence informed advice to guide Government policy and practices that are relevant to the lives of persons with disabilities, and to promote the principles of Universal Design.

Minister of State Mr Finian McGrath, who has responsibility for developing and articulating Government policy on improving the lives of people with disabilities and their carers said:

I would like to congratulate the new members on their appointment to the Board and I wish them well in their work setting the future direction of the NDA.

I look forward to continuing to work with the Authority in its vital role of providing advice, information, and research to government and the public sector on policy and practice relating to people with disabilities.

Since becoming Minister with special responsibility for disabilities, the Government has achieved significant milestones in relation to improving the lives of people with disabilities

Foremost amongst these are the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, the launch of the National Disability Inclusion Strategy 2017 – 2021 and the continued implementation of the Comprehensive Employment Strategy for People with Disabilities 2015 - 2024. 

The Authority plays a key role in the implementation of both these strategies and will be invaluable in ensuring the proper implementation of the Convention.

In line with Government policy, the work of the Authority will help to support and ensure that people with disabilities have more choice and control in how they live their lives in as full a manner as possible.