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Building on Recovery in the South East: Ministers highlight regional benefit of capital investment programme

Minister for Public Expenditure & Reform, Brendan Howlin TD was today (Friday) in Wexford to highlight the benefits of the Government’s capital investment programme, Building on Recovery, for the South East region. Ministers Paudie Coffey, Paul Kehoe and Ann Phelan were also at the event in Wexford County Council HQ.

Speaking at the event, Minister Howlin said:

“The Government’s €42 billion framework for infrastructure investment in Ireland over the period 2016 to 2021 is a sensible, responsible plan to make affordable, sustainable investments that boost the productive capacity of our economy, improve public services and lay the foundations for future growth. For Wexford and the whole South East region, this means providing vital facilities for people in the form of roads, schools, health care, housing and policing, as well as investing capital spending to strengthen the environment for job creation. The plan itself will support an estimated 45,000 construction jobs. I am particularly pleased that the plan includes two major road projects of vital importance to the South East – the M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy and the N25 New Ross Bypass. Wexford will also benefit from eight new schools projects and an investment of €25.3 million to provide 677 social homes.”

The Minister of State with special responsibility for Housing, Planning & the Construction 2020 strategy, Paudie Coffey TD said:

“The Government’s capital investment programme for the South East demonstrates our determination to build the necessary infrastructure to keep the economic recovery going. I am particularly delighted the plan contains a government commitment to the regeneration of the North Quays in Waterford, this is a significant, strategic city centre site and its re-development will exploit its full economic potential for the benefit of the city and the wider region. This investment complements the €10million investment in the Michael Street/Apple Market area of the city centre. Waterford is also receiving €35 million in funding for housing in the county as well as five new schools projects in Waterford City, Lismore and Tramore. On foot of investment by this Government, Waterford has also received 37 new Garda vehicles, and the Waterford Courthouse is being refurbished and extended with a substantial capital investment. Waterford health services are also seeing investment in the new palliative care unit at University Hospital Waterford and the provision of elderly care services at St Patrick’s Hospital, as well as new Primary Care Centres opened in Tramore and under way in Dungarvan and Waterford City.”

The Minister of State with special responsibility for Rural Economic Development & Rural Transport, Ann Phelan TD said:

“This capital programme is about building on the recovery and spreading its benefits to every region of the country. The many construction projects involved will help to boost rural Ireland. For example, three new schools projects have been announced for Carlow and Bagenalstown, as well as €20 million to provide 435 social homes in the county. €200,000 has also been provided for the Dunleckney Maltings tourism project as well as over €750,000 in sports capital funding. This is on top of over €2.5 million in sports capital and local authority swimming pool funding for Carlow since 2011. Furthermore, Irish Water investment in water supply and waste water treatment in Carlow will be €3.7 million under the capital investment plan.”

The Government Chief Whip & Minister of State for Defence, Paul Kehoe TD, said:

“The hard work of the Irish people together with the right policies from this Government are working to bring about economic recovery, which means we can begin to invest in better services and infrastructure for everyone. For Wexford this means 39 new Garda vehicles for the county since this Government took office and, under the Building on Recovery plan, a new Garda station and new courthouse in Wexford Town. It means a new Primary Care Centre opened in Gorey and one underway in Wexford Town. As well as the massive investment in schools, in towns and villages across Co. Wexford, such as St. Aidan’s in Enniscorthy, and in housing, it also means over €1 million in harbour works for Wexford and funding for the advancement of a flood defence scheme in Enniscorthy. Irish Water will also invest almost €17 million in Wexford water supply and wastewater treatment works.”