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Call for applications for the Africa Agri-Food Development Programme

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed T.D., and the Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ciarán Cannon, T.D., today jointly announced a call for applications for the Africa Agri-Food Development Programme (AADP). The programme is a joint initiative by the two Departments to support partnerships between Irish and African agri-food companies.

Speaking at the launch, Minister Creed said: "I am delighted to open this call for applications for the Africa Agri-Food Development Programme. Previous experience has shown that it can help to build strong partnerships between Irish and African agri-food companies."

Minister Cannon said: "The AADP can harness the knowledge and expertise of the Irish agri-food industry and, in partnership with African companies, deliver transformative change in the lives of African communities.”
The programme, which is part of Ireland's overseas development cooperation programme, will support agri-food business partnerships in all African countries in which the Government has an embassy - Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.

It builds on the previous African Agri-food Development Fund and is open to Irish agri-food companies, with possible funding of up to €250,000 in total per company. Projects must be based in Africa, and all state funding must be matched by the Irish company. In addition, companies must partner with a local African business, and the project must be commercial in focus. Funds are also available for feasibility studies.

The Ministers invited Irish agri-food companies to attend a half day seminar on Thursday 13 July 2017 to learn more about the AADP. Interested companies should email to register.

Applications must be submitted on line and application forms can be accessed at The closing date for applications is 17 August 2017.