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Capital application window extended due to adverse effects of weather - New deadline of 3pm Wednesday 14th March 2018 - Childcare Providers given extra three working days to complete applications

Due  to  the  unforeseen  delays  and  inconveniences  caused  to childcare providers  across  the  country by the recent bad weather, the Minister for Children  and  Youth  Affairs,  Dr.  Katherine Zappone, today announced the extension of the 2018 Early Years and School Age Capital application window by three working days, to Wednesday the 14th of March 2018 at 3pm.

It  is  hoped that the revised application window will allow for applicants whose  preparations  were  affected  by  the  recent red weather warning to complete  their  application  forms  as  planned  before  the  close of the deadline.

Services are invited to apply for €6.8m in funding for extra spaces, natural outdoor play areas and maintenance work, across the following five strands.


Purpose of grant

 Max. grant available 

Strand 1 (Early Years)



Strand 2 (Early Years)

Essential Maintenance (Community only)


Strand 3 (Early Years)

Natural outdoor play area


Strand 4 (School age)



Strand 5 (School age)

Essential Maintenance (Community only)



Childcare  providers  are  encouraged  to  contact  their local City/County Childcare  Committee  (CCC)  for  any  help or guidance they may require in completing  their  applications  for capital funding before the application window closes.