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Change to TV Standard in Ireland

The Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources today draws the attention of manufacturers, retailers and distributors to the change in the TV standards used in Ireland.

The change to Irelands TV standard results from the move from a national analogue television network to a digital television network. The current analogue TV standard will cease to be used by broadcasters in Ireland after analogue switch off on the 24th October 2012. A new digital standard has been developed which works with the new digital free to air network, SAORVIEW.

Minister for Communications, Pat Rabbitte has asked retailers to be mindful of this important change in Irish broadcasting standards and to ensure the availability of a wide range of SAORVIEW approved TV equipment well in advance of the 2012 deadline. "We have just over 11 months until the old analogue TV network is switched off. I would ask retailers to ensure that the TVs and other TV receivers they are selling are compatible with the digital standard being used in Ireland. Only televisions meeting this standard are guaranteed to provide free to air access to the national digital television network", said the Minister. The Minister also requested that retailers would inform their customers of the new standard so that they have all the necessary information when purchasing their TV equipment.

In order to receive SAORVIEW, it is not always necessary to buy a new television. Televisions bought from the mid 1990s or later should be capable of being upgraded to SAORVIEW using a SAORVIEW approved set top box. For further information please visit

As with the current TV standard, SAORVIEW approved TV sets will work with a set top box being used to access pay TV services.


Minister Rabbitte also recommended that consumers familiarise themselves with the questions to ask when buying a new digital television or a set top box . "I would urge all consumers to become aware of this change in standard and remember to ask your retailer some important questions when buying a new television set, – Will this television show the new Irish digital TV service, SAORVIEW?, Is this TV SAORVIEW approved? Consumers should look out for the SAORVIEW approved logo on TV sets and set top boxes as this means that the TV has undergone stringent tests to ensure that it will work to receive SAORVIEW. Further consumer related guidance is available on the Going Digital website" concluded the Minister.