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Childcare Support Bill published, which will underpin the new Affordable Childcare Scheme

The Childcare Support Bill 2017 has been published and will proceed through the  Houses of the Oireachtas in the coming weeks. The bill is an essential element in  development  of  the  Affordable  Childcare Scheme, which will provide a new approach to supporting affordable access to quality childcare in Ireland.

Once launched,  the  Affordable  Childcare  Scheme  will provide financial support  to help reduce the cost of childcare for parents. Through this, it aims  to  improve  access;  assist families to return to work and training; reduce child poverty; and improve outcomes for children.

“The  ambition  of this project is huge in scale but is of vital importance to  families  throughout  the  country.  The  publication  of the Childcare Support  Bill  represents  a  cornerstone  for  our radical new approach to childcare;  changes that will not only benefit families now but also future generations”

said Minister Zappone.  

“The  publication  of  the  bill  builds  on  a lot of initiatives already delivered  this  year  as  we strive, step by step, to transform one of the most  expensive  childcare  systems  in  the  world into the best.  To date additional financial childcare supports have been delivered to the families of  over  64,000  children,  the  innovative Access and Inclusion Model for children  with disabilities is up and running and free pre-school education for all 3-year olds has been extended to two years from next September.”

In  addition  to  the Childcare Support Bill, the Minister for Children and Youth  Affairs  also  today  published  a Regulatory Impact Analysis of the Affordable Childcare Scheme.

Full  details  of  the  Childcare  Support  Bill,  the Policy Paper and the Regulatory  Impact Analysis on the Affordable Childcare Scheme can be found by visiting  or

The  Childcare  Support  Bill  will  now  proceed through the Houses of the Oireachtas  over  the  coming months. At the same time, preparatory work is continuing  apace  on  the  other major elements of the scheme, such as the development of ICT and administrative systems.