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Civil Service Renewal Plan launched

Taoiseach Enda Kenny with Public Expenditure & Reform Minister Brendan Howlin today launched the Civil Service Renewal Plan – a vision and three year action plan for the Civil Service. The plan delivers a central Programme for Government commitment and represents a fundamentally new direction for the Civil Service.

The plan is the product of a year-long engagement process involving almost 2,000 staff and stakeholders. It outlines a vision for the Civil Service and practical changes that will create a more unified, professional, responsive, open and accountable Civil Service, providing a world-class service to the State and to the people of Ireland. It contains 25 actions and a commitment to complete all actions within 3 years.

Implementation will commence immediately with the establishment of a central Programme Management Office (PMO) and the first meeting of the Civil Service Management Board. Once the PMO is up and running, the following actions will be taken in the first 200 days:

  • establishing the Civil Service Accountability Board, chaired by the Taoiseach
  • the first performance review process for Secretaries General
  • an end-to-end review of the disciplinary code
  • several open recruitment competitions in key areas
  • the first Civil Service wide staff engagement survey
  • the first Implementation Town Hall with staff

Read the Taoiseach’s full speech from the launch here.

Read the full press release here.