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Coast Guard issues warning as heavy rain and high winds forecast for this week

Members of the public have this afternoon been urged to heed the advice of the Irish Coast Guard as Met Eireann has forecast very windy or stormy conditions today and later this evening.

A weather and gale warning has been issued by Met Eireann with winds gusting to strong gale force 9 at times on the East coast and on the Irish sea. Northeast winds will increase strong gale force 9 tonight on coasts from Slyne Head to Rossan Point to Malin head. Weather this evening is forecast to be cold, blustery and wet and overnight, with some heavy and possibly thundery rain over parts of Leinster, with some local flooding. Lowest temperatures 3 to 6 C., in strong and gusty northeast winds, which will gust 70 to 90 km/h in exposed hilly and coastal areas.

Severe weather such as this brings not only high winds, but the risk of heavy downpours and the potential for spot flooding. The Coast Guard strongly advise the public not to go out on exposed coasts, cliffs, piers, harbour walls, beaches, promenades or any other coastal areas during the inclement weather. Huge waves can be whipped up by high seas. These waves can pose hazards to anyone close to the shoreline.

Tomorrow is forecast to be cool with spells of rain, heavy at times in eastern coastal counties, but brighter elsewhere with occasional showers are forecast. Top temperatures 8 to 11 C., in fresh to strong and gusty northeast to northerly winds. Manager of the Irish Coast Guard, Declan Geoghegan said: "Do not attempt to cross at fast running river or flood water fords as they may be stronger and deeper than you think. Flooded urban areas may contain many hazards, not least of which include submerged open manholes and downed power lines. The combination of tides, forecasted gale warnings for the next day or so, high sea conditions and swollen rivers may result in very dangerous conditions.”

· Remember to monitor weather broadcasts when travelling and heed the advice of the RSA on road use during severe weather and high winds.

· Specific advice from the Coast Guard today (25 April 2012) is:

· Stay away from the shoreline and do not engage in water sports

· Do not venture out unnecessarily when gale force conditions are forecast

· The public are advised to avoid exposed coasts, cliff paths and coastal areas during inclement weather this week.

If you do see someone in difficulty in the sea, on the shore, cliffs, lakes or rivers dial 999 or 112 and ask for the Coast Guard.