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Coast Guard warns public as heavy rain forecast for coming days

The Irish Coast Guard today issued advice to the public following a Met Eireann weather warning for heavy rain in the coming days. Today, Met Eireann issued a weather warning that Thursday this week (7 June 2012) will be a very wet day countrywide with 40-60mm of rain forecast in Munster and Connacht and 30-50mm of rain is expected in Leinster and Ulster. There is a risk of a further 20-30mm on Friday. Heavy rainfall is likely to cause localised flooding. A small craft warning has also been issued by Met Eireann with easterly winds increasing from Force 6 or higher later tonight on coasts from Carnsore Point to Roche’s Point to Valentia.

Speaking today, Declan Geoghegan, Manager of the Irish Coast Guard said: "The dangers from this weather system with the heaviest falls of rain forecast for the south and west closely followed by other parts of the country mean that some local flooding is likely. Do not attempt to cross a fast running river or floodwater fords as they may be stronger and deeper than you think. Flooded urban areas may contain many hazards, not least of which include submerged open manholes and downed power lines. The combination of tides, forecasted high winds in the coming days and swollen rivers may result in very dangerous conditions. Remember to monitor weather broadcasts when travelling and heed the advice of the RSA and your local authority on road use during severe weather.

Specific advice from the Coast Guard today is stay away from the shoreline and do not engage in water sportssmall;">.

Mr. Geoghegan ended by saying: "If you do see someone in difficulty in the sea, on the shore, cliffs, lakes or rivers dial 999 or 112 and ask for the Coast Guard. "