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Comments by Minister Noonan on President Sarkozy & Chancellor Merkel press conference

Comments by Minister Noonan:

  • I welcome the beginning of this new initiative by President Sarkozy and Chancellor Merkel which once again reaffirms their absolute determination to defend the euro.
  • I will be directly feeding Irelands views into the discussions on the proposals at EUROGROUP, Ecofin and at meetings with my other finance minister’s colleagues.
  • I note that president Herman van Rompuy will be tasked with ensuring a more co-ordinated fiscal approach across the Eurozone. Ireland remains fully committed to reducing our deficit to 3% of GDP by 2015.
  • Department of Finance has already undertaken detailed work on the preparation of the fiscal responsibility bill and we have recently established a Fiscal Advisory Council. Any proposal for a constitutional amendment is a matter for Government consideration.
  • I note President Sarkozy indication that the use of guarantees could be considered in the context of future funding for countries.
  • The Commission already has proposals on CCCTB on the table and Ireland has signaled we are going to constructively engage on this issue. That remains the case.
  • While I note that the French and German finance ministers will table a joint proposal at the EU level next September for a tax on financial transactions, this issue was considered at last European council meeting and it was not included in the final agreement.