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Committee to Oversee the Plebiscite Public Information Campaign to hold public meetings in Cork, Limerick and Waterford this week

-Cork City: Tuesday, 14 May, in the Atrium, City Hall, Anglesea Street, Cork (7.30-9.00pm)

-Waterford: Wednesday 15 May, in the Tower Hotel, The Mall, Waterford (7.30-9.00pm)

-Limerick: Thursday 16 May, in the lecture theatre of the Computer Science Building at the University of Limerick (7.30-9.00pm)

The Committee to Oversee the Plebiscite Public Information Campaign will hold public meetings on the plebiscites on directly elected mayors with executive functions this week in the three administrative areas in which plebiscites will be held on 24 May.

Speaking ahead of the public meetings the committee’s chairperson, former Judge of the High Court, Henry Abbott, said:

Providing impartial, factual information to the public and others on the plebiscite is the committee’s objective. I see these public meetings as a key part of our work ahead of May 24th. I would invite all who are available and interested to come along to the meeting in their council’s area, to learn more about the issues on which people will vote in less than two weeks.

These public meetings, I believe, will compliment the committee’s work to date, both the production of guides to the plebiscite, being distributed to all households in Cork City, Limerick and Waterford, and our various communications through traditional and social media. I want to thank the three councils for their assistance in organising these meetings.