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A formal process has commenced to seek EU recognition of the unique characteristics of ‘Irish Salmon’ while the application for ‘Waterford Blaa’ has reached a further stage.

Minister Simon Coveney today launched a national consultation process on the application of ‘Irish Salmon’ for registration as a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). On completion of the national consultation the application will be forwarded to the European Commission for review in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006. This is the first all Ireland application for protected name status for a food product. Interested parties have a period of 12 weeks ending on Tuesday, 9th of October 2012 to submit their comments in writing. Anyone with a legitimate interest may lodge an objection.

Geographical Indications are intended to highlight special qualities of the products through indication of their origin and to preserve cultural traditions. Granting of this intellectual property protection to ‘Irish Salmon’ would mean that this name could only be used by producers of the product within the specified region.

Minister Coveney said “The publishing of the specification document follows a period of engagement between the producer groups, Bord Iascaigh Mara and by my Department and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in Northern Ireland. I am delighted to see further progress in recognising the quality of Irish foods. This is the second application that has been advanced this year and it is a positive step forward, I would encourage producers of regional products to discuss possible applications with my Department”.

The application for the ‘Waterford Blaa’ has reached a further stage in the process. The Commission has begun a dialogue on the contents of the application and a second national consultation on the expanded application has recently been completed.

Both specifications and additional information are available on the DAFM website at:

Comments are to be submitted in writing to Food Industry Development Division, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Agriculture House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2, Email: Fax: 01 6072038.