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County & City managers tell Minister Ring they’re backing the Gathering

County and city managers from across Ireland told Minister of State for Tourism & Sport Michael Ring today (Thursday) that they are backing the Gathering Ireland 2013, the festival of festivals which is running for the whole of 2013.

Minister Ring met a number of County and City Managers to thank them for their support to date, and to brief them on preparations for next year.

"Communities right across Ireland will be key to making the Gathering Ireland a success. The Gathering is an invitation to the world, and especially our Diaspora, to come and join in our celebration of all that is best about Ireland.

"That celebration will take place in clubs, parishes, companies and organisations everywhere in Ireland as they host their own Gatherings and extend that invitation to their own connections.

"This is not just a Government initiative. The Gathering Ireland 2013 is something everyone across the country can own and belong to. Local authorities have a key part to play in the Gathering, by taking lead responsibility to drive events and activities at a local and county level and working with local communities on their own Gatherings. This is all about bringing additional overseas visitors into every village, town and county in Ireland and getting the benefit of that extra tourist spend spread right around the country.

"I know that County and City Managers have already responded to the Gathering by appointing a designated Gathering coordinator in every local authority area and that in many counties, the mobilisation effort to get communities actively supporting The Gathering is well underway."