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Coveney launches €538 million single farm payment run

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney, TD, yesterday launched the initial payments run for the Single Farm Payment (SFP) at the Department’s Offices in Portlaoise, Co. Laois.  "

As you will be aware, today marks the start of payments under the 2012 SFP, part of a broader payment process which, by year-end, will have delivered in excess of €1.4 billion to farmers

" the Minister said.  "

The €538 million issuing today under the Single Farm Payment to almost 88% of all applicants, when taken with the €173 million which has issued since 26 September in respect of the 2012 Disadvantaged Areas Scheme, represents a significant financial boost for both the individual farmers who will receive these payments and also the wider rural economy

"he added.

The Minister noted the use of mobile phone text messaging, which is being used for the first time in advising farmers of their payments under the 2012 Single Farm Payment.  "I see this development as further evidence of my Department’s commitment to avail of all means to help deliver a better service to farmers" the Minister said, adding "the 65,000 farmers currently signed up to receive text messages are set to be notified individually by text immediately their SFP payment has been made; I would strongly encourage all other farmers to seriously consider signing up for the service".  Full details are on the Department’s website.

Concluding, the Minister indicated his determination to ensure that payments are maximised "I can assure farmers that payments will continue to issue under both schemes, after the initial payments occur, as individual cases are cleared" the Minister emphasised, adding "my aim continues to be to maximise payments to farmers at the earliest possible date, subject to the necessary requirements of the Schemes being met".