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Coveney welcomes jobs boost for Killybegs from the proposal to build the largest marine food ingredients plant in the world

Simon Coveney TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine today attended an information launch by Biomarine Ingredients Ireland (BII) of their plans to build the largest marine food ingredients plant in the world in Killybegs, Co. Donegal. The proposed joint venture project by Killybegs Fishermen’s’ Organisation (KFO) and Norwegian firm Biomarine Science Technology (BST) will, subject to planning permission, State Aid, and the approval of Enterprise Ireland, create up to 50 jobs during construction.

A further 70 jobs will be created when full production commences at the end of 2016. The Plant will extract high-end proteins, oils and calcium from fish for use as food ingredients and will initially have the capacity to process up to 50,000 tonnes of raw material annually.

The Minister said “With increasing food ingredient prices and a shortage of quality protein in the market, there is a significant opening for the products which this new venture can produce. The increased focus on health and rising demand for foodstuffs high in healthy content has led to rapid growth in the global health and sports nutrition market. This new venture can become a key player in that market and will bring much needed employment to Killybegs and the North West Region. Killybegs is the perfect location for this new facility, with Ireland’s 70% share of the EU quota for boarfish, the main input raw material for this new venture, and with KFO members landing 40,000 tonnes of this species in 2013. I am working closely with all involved to help bring this proposed project to fruition”.