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Coveney welcomes new FETAC accreditation for the training of persons handling veterinary medicines

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney, TD today announced that from 1 January 2013, all new persons authorised to sell or supply veterinary medicines from a retail outlet will be trained to FETAC standard level 6.

This initiative is designed to ensure that all persons working in the retail of veterinary medicines receive appropriate training. The Minister said that the new standard is being introduced following consultation between the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, retailers in the veterinary medicines area, experts in Teagasc and the training course providers and will bring the current ‘responsible person’s course’ for persons involved in retailing veterinary medicines into line with the National Framework of Qualifications.

Minister Coveney welcomed the introduction of the FETAC certification requirement, highlighting this development as an important addition to Ireland’s commitment to food safety. In this context, the Minister said that "Ireland’s strong international reputation as a producer of the highest quality food stuffs is contingent on our maintaining the highest standards of food safety and the responsible use of animal remedies is of vital importance to ensuring safe food for the consumer". The Minister went on to say that the new certification requirement would also "provide additional benefits to graduates of the course with the award of a nationally recognised qualification".

Concluding, Minister Coveney said that the course is also being made available to existing qualified responsible persons as an option for their continuous training and development requirements and stated that he would encourage all existing responsible persons to avail of this opportunity to obtain the qualification.