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The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine today announced the opening of the online application facility for the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and the Greening Scheme.

The Minister commented “I am delighted to announce the opening of iNet for 2016, which will facilitate online applications for BPS, Greening and the Areas of Natural Constraint (ANC) Scheme. In 2015, some 93,000 farmers applied online and we are hoping to significantly increase that number this year given the range of benefits which online applications provide for farmers.”

The Minister confirmed that the closing date for the BPS in 2016 would be Monday 16 May but urged all farmers and advisors to avail of the opening of the online facility now rather than waiting until closer to the closing date.

Following on from the roll out in 2015 of online application to farmers who have a requirement under Greening, or are in partnerships, or are in the Organic Farming Scheme, in 2016 GLAS farmers will move to online BPS application. Greater use of the online application system will allow the Department to deliver a range of benefits to farmers in terms of the accuracy and efficiency with which BPS applications are processed. In particular, in built validations on the system will help to ensure consistency between GLAS and BPS applications for farmers.

Assistance is available to all farmers using the online application system via and the dedicated Helpdesk at 076 1064424.

The Minister concluded by stating “I would urge as many farmers as possible to avail of the opportunity to apply for the BPS online at this early stage. It is open for farmers to do this either as individuals or through an agent. Higher levels of online applications will allow my Department to continue to improve on the delivery to farmers of essential payments under schemes such as BPS and the ANC.”