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Coveney announces €45 million in AEOS payment before Christmas

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, announced today that AEOS payments are to commence this week.
The Minister said: “following the completion of detailed verification checks by his Department, which are required under EU regulations, AEOS payments will begin this week and in excess of €45 million will be paid out before Christmas”. This will bring the total paid out on AEOS for the year to in excess of €75 million.
This follows on from over €5 million paid out to the remaining REPS farmers at the end of November which in turn brought the total paid in REPS for 2015 to over €30 million for the year.
Both schemes were designed to help protect wildlife habitats, endangered species of flora and fauna and the broader rural environment and underpin the production of quality food in an environmentally friendly manner. As such, they have been important elements in support of farmers to achieve these aims.