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Coveney strongly welcomes reduction in inspection rates

Greater flexibility on Rural Development Programme

The Minister for Agriculture Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD today welcomed the package of simplification initiatives announced by the Commission. While the details of the new provisions remain to be clarified the Commissioner indicated a planned reduction in the minimum rate of on-the-spot inspections from 5% to 1%, in certain circumstances, and increased flexibility in the procedures for conducting inspections under the integrated administration and control systems (IACS). The Minister also welcomed the increased flexibility proposed in the approval and amendment process for Rural Development Programmes (RDP).

The announcements were made at a meeting of Council of the European Union Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers which Minister Coveney attended in Brussels today.

Speaking at the meeting Minister Coveney said “I have long advocated a more proportional and risk-based approach to controls and I’m sure farmers will welcome the simplification of the inspection regime. This is a very significant pro-farmer practical measure that will be strongly welcomed in Ireland”.

In relation to the increased flexibility on the RDP Minister Coveney said “I welcome this announcement. I have been calling on the Commission to simplify the implementation of the CAP and this announcement regarding the RDP will allow Member States such as Ireland amend their Programmes to target specific measures as conditions we operate in are constantly changing.

Ministers also discussed developments in Trade negotiations (including TTIP), the current market situation, the School Milk and Fruit & Vegetable Scheme. In relation to trade negotiations Minister Coveney said “As a trading country we have a clear national interest and we recognise the benefits that can be derived from international negotiations. However, I believe the Commission must adopt a balanced approach which acknowledges our offensive interests, particularly in the dairy sector, while providing the means to deal effectively with our defensive interests such as the beef sector.

Concluding the Minister said “I welcome the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) concluded with Vietnam and the decision by the Commissioner to engage in Trade Missions next year. It is important that the Agriculture Commissioner represents the offensive interests of the EU in seeking out new markets while, at the same time, safeguarding the EU’s defensive interests”

The Minister also called on the Commission to implement market support measures in light of the continuing uncertainty the pigmeat sector and welcomed the Commissioners announcement that these measures will be in place in early 2016.