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Creed confirms flexibilities to GLAS scheme in response to fodder issues

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed T.D., has confirmed the introduction of some temporary adjustments to the GLAS scheme for this year in response to the current fodder shortages. The measures are being introduced with effect from tomorrow, Saturday 1st September.

Minister Creed commented;

These flexibilities have the potential to add to the quantities of winter fodder available by bringing over 260,000 additional hectares into fodder production. I would like to thank Commissioner Phil Hogan for his early engagement and assistance in progressing my proposals on this issue.

Details of the measures are being communicated today to the GLAS participants involved and their Advisors. GLAS participants wishing to proceed with these may do so from tomorrow, Saturday 1st September and do not need to contact the Department in advance of doing so.

The Minister concluded that that;

These measures will add to the range of initiatives I have already introduced this summer. My Department will continue to monitor the fodder situation closely and work with all stakeholders.

Note for editors
The Green, Low-Carbon, Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS) scheme is the main agri-environment scheme under Ireland’s Rural Development Programme. The specific flexibilities are in response to weather difficulties this summer and involve an amendment to the specifications for two GLAS actions for those participants with the actions. The two changes are specifically designed to add to the stocks of winter forage for Irish farmers and are:
Low Input Permanent Pasture: An amendment to the specifications for 2018 to provide for the use of Low Input Permanent Pasture parcels for silage/hay production in the period 1 September 2018 to 1 December 2018. There are 37,800 GLAS participants with the LIPP action covering an area of over 269,000 hectares.

The Environmental Management of Fallow Land: For 2018 off- takes will be permitted on a once off basis for 2018 in the period 1 September 2018 (after the nesting season) to 1 December 2018.