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Creed Inspects Remediation Works on Haulbowline Island in Cork Harbour

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed T.D., visited the East Tip works site at Haulbowline Island. The Minister’s visit follows the signing in July of the contract to commence an extensive remediation of the large East Tip waste deposit site as the main focus of the Haulbowline Island remediation project. 

Speaking at Haulbowline, the Minister said:

I am very pleased to see the works now underway on the remediation of the East Tip site on Haulbowline. Over the next 15 months the island will undergo a period of intense activity as the waste materials which have blighted the East Tip site are addressed.”

Cork County Council is acting as agent of the Minister in the remediation of Haulbowline Island. The contract was awarded by Cork County Council to a consortium led by PJ Hegarty & Sons Ltd. 

Cllr. Sinead Sheppard commented

"East Cork communities are relieved to see remedial works begin in the East tip site of Haulbowline and are grateful to Cork County Council for all the work carried out on the site making it safe and stable for the people living in the area"

The Chief Executive Mr. Tim Lucey went on to say that

"Cork County Council is acting as an agent for the Minister for the remediation of the site. We have already reached a number of key milestones in this project including preparatory work which cleared the way for the completion of the project in the East Tip".

The works being carried out on site include marine elements to prevent tidal incursions to the site, access and infrastructure works and capping the waste materials to render the site safe, stable and suitable for future uses.  Remediation is expected to be completed by the end of 2018.