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Creed Welcomes EU Review of Anti Dumping duties on Fertiliser Imports

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed T.D., has welcomed the European Commission’s “notice of initiation to conduct a partial interim review of the anti dumping measures applicable to imports of ammonium nitrate originating in Russia”. The Minister has raised the issue of anti dumping duties on imports of fertiliser from Russia a number of times at the Council of Agriculture Ministers, most recently in June 2017 in Luxembourg.

Referring to the review today, the Minister said “I am acutely aware that fertiliser is a major input cost on farms. Indeed Eurostat estimates that fertiliser is the third most important expenditure item on EU farms, accounting for €19.2 billion of input costs in 2014. I have raised the question of anti dumping tariffs on fertiliser imports at Council on a number of occasions, because they impose a significant additional cost on Irish farmers. While the issue has proven quite intractable, because Member States have differing views on the matter, I am pleased that the Commission has announced its intention to conduct this review.”

In terms of Irish farms, the CSO 2016 final estimates of Output, Input and Income in Agriculture identifies fertiliser expenditure at €508 million in 2016.

The anti-dumping duties on Russian fertiliser imports range from €32.83 per tonne to €47.07 per tonne of ammonium nitrate with Nitrogen being the main nutrient used in Ireland relative to Phosphorus or Potassium.