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Creighton meets the new Italian Minister for European Affairs, Enzo Moavero Milanesi

The Minister of State for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton T.D., met this morning with His Excellency Enzo Moavero Milanesi, the new Italian Minister for Europe.

In the first official meeting with another EU Member State since taking office on Wednesday, Minister Moavero Milanesi welcomed the high level contact with the Irish Government. Minister Creighton expressed her best wishes for the incoming administration and briefed her colleague on recent developments in Ireland.

The Ministers also discussed key issues on the European agenda including measures to safeguard the Eurozone and preparations for the next European Council which will take place in December. The Ministers agreed that an innovative and committed approached by all Member States is needed to find solutions to the current crisis. Speaking after the meeting, Minister Creighton said "I greatly appreciate the opportunity to have such an early meeting with Minister Moavero Milanesi. Ireland can empathise with some of the problems which are facing Italy and we want to give the new Government here our full support for their efforts in the time ahead. As partners in Europe, it is vital that we work together to find solutions to the common challenges that face us all."