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Department Advises Farmers to Ensure That Ineligible Land is Not Included in BPS applications

The Department Agriculture, Food and the Marine has advised farmers to check their applications for Basic Payment and ensure that they have not included any ineligible land. Examples of ineligible features include buildings, roads, yards, scrub, rock and land burnt since 1st March. Farmers should also check that all parcel boundaries are aligned with the physical parcel boundary.

Farmers can make amendments to their applications without penalty until 31st May (9th June with penalty), and they should remove any land that is ineligible. Officials in the Department are obliged by EU Regulations to analyse applications in order to identify ineligible features, including land which was burnt during the specified closed season of 1st March to 31st August, and satellite imagery is being examined as part of this process. Agricultural and eligible forestry land identified as ineligible will be deemed ineligible for payment under the 2018 Basic Payment and other area-based schemes.

Farmers are reminded that if they burn land after the 1st March:

  •        They risk prosecution;
  •        Such land will not be eligible for payment under the Basic Payment Scheme and other area-based schemes;
  •        Inclusion of illegally burnt land in the 2018 Basic Payment Scheme application may result in reduced payment and penalties under this scheme and the other area-based schemes, e.g. Areas of Natural Constraints Scheme;
  •        Illegal burning can also render the land of neighbours ineligible for payment where the fire encroaches onto such land;
  •        Where it is identified that lands were burnt during the closed season this may result in such land being inspected by Department officials.