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DAFM Completes Three Virtual Town Hall Meetings for CAP Draft Interventions

Public Consultation on CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027 remains open until August 27                     

Last night, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine held its third virtual “Town Hall”-style webinar, as part of the ongoing public consultation on the draft interventions proposed for Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027. The consultation was launched on 30th July and will run for a four-week period, to 27th August.

Across the three webinars, there was a strong turnout, with an average attendance of well over 300 attendees per night. In total, in excess of 1000 people participated in these events.

Minister McConalogue has made it a priority of his tenure to consult widely with farmers on the shape of the next CAP, and events such as these are an important part of the wider ongoing consultation and development process. The Department welcomes the strong engagement received across the three townhall webinars, in particular the submissions and questions raised during these events. The Department is very much in listening mode on these issues, and urges farmers, farm representative organisations and other stakeholders to make further written submissions ahead of the August 27 deadline.

Minister McConalogue will also host a further wider public consultation on the draft CAP plan and draft environmental report later in the year.

The mailbox remains open for written submissions relating to the public consultation until the closing date of 27th August 2021. Submissions may also be made via the survey link: