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Department urges TAMS II applicants to submit claims

The Department for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, is urging all farmers who have completed their approved TAMS II investments to submit their claim for payments to the online system immediately to allow for payment to issue.

To date, over 4,000 approvals have issued for the various TAMS II measures as follows:

Animal Welfare, Safety and Nutrient Storage Scheme 1,000 approvals issued
Young Farmer Capital Investment Scheme 850 approvals issued
Dairy Equipment Scheme 1,500 approvals issued
Low Emission Slurry Spreading 420 approvals issued
Pigs and Poultry Investment Scheme 60 approvals issued
Organic Capital Investment Scheme 250 approvals issued

The online claim system has been open since July 2016 and the Department is urging all farmers who have completed their investments under TAMS II to submit their claim for payments to the online system as soon as they are in a position to do so to.

Payment claims submitted in line with all the requirements of the Scheme terms and conditions, including those related to tax clearance and the completion, where required, of a farm safety course will be processed for payment as soon as possible.

Full details of the TAMS II terms and conditions are available on the Departments website;