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Donohoe welcomes investment as Enterprise returns

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Paschal Donohoe TD, was at Connolly Station today (Monday) to welcome the first refurbished Enterprise train to benefit from a  €17.3 million (STG£12.2 million) train upgrade programme returned to service.

The refurbishment programme has been financed through the European Union’s INTERREG IVA Programme, which is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) with support from the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTTAS) in Ireland, and Northern Ireland’s Department for Regional Development.

The renewal of the fleet sees customer facilities, livery and appearance, and internal systems renewed to deliver a service which looks and feels like a modern new train with the emphasis on comfort, service and value.  Customers will benefit from:

-          Transformation of the interior of the train, including seating; power sockets at every seat; plush carpets; new tables and lightings; new signage

-          Improved catering area and Enterprise Menu, with table service in the dining car for Enterprise Class (standard) passengers, and waiter service for Enterprise Plus

-          New on-board systems, including audio-visual passenger information; new public address system; enhanced CCTV; new Train Management system; and an electronic seat reservation system from early 2016

-          a modern new look with a stylish livery and a transformation of the interior of the train


David Franks, Chief Executive of Iarnród Éireann said “we are delighted with our colleagues in Translink to see the first of the newly refurbished train sets enter service.  We will be able to deliver to customers the feeling of a new train through this investment, as befits a flagship service like the Enterprise.  We look forward to welcoming existing and new customers on board the Enterprise service as we reintroduce the full Enterprise fleet over the coming weeks.  We are confident this will be the premier option for those travelling between Dublin and Belfast, and indeed for our customers from Drogheda and Dundalk also.  We would like to thank the European Union, Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, and Department of Regional Development in Northern Ireland for essential funding to deliver this project. We thank our customers for their understanding during the refurbishment project and hope they enjoy the transformed Enterprise service.” 


Welcoming completion of the refurbishment of the first Enterprise train, Gina McIntyre, Chief Executive (Designate) of the SEUPB, said: “The project has made a significant improvement to one of our main infrastructure links and will support economic and social development, on a cross-border basis. This is one of the core objectives of the EU’s INTERREG IVA Programme, which was designed to improve the competitiveness of the region and improve the lives of its citizens. I look forward to hearing more about how the newly enhanced rail service will positively impact on trade and tourism on both sides of the border,” Gina continued.


Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Paschal Donohoe TD, said: ‘The refurbishment of the Enterprise will mean that customers will be able to travel in greater comfort and, indeed, style. Not only will the fleet undergo a transformation in terms of new interiors and livery but improvements are also being made to CCTV, passenger information and reservation systems, which will make life easier for commuters.  My Department was happy to match the funding that was being provided by the Department for Regional Development in Northern Ireland so that the renovations could take place as it is in both Governments’ interest to work together to support the development of trade and tourism between the two biggest cities on the island’.

Refurbishment of all remaining Enterprise trains is scheduled for completion by the end of 2015.



Press Office, Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport 01 604 1090 / 01 604 1093 www.dttas.iepressoffice@dttas.i


Notes to Editors:

  • Enterprise customers are advised that only selected services will be operated by the newly refurbished train and that all other services will be operated by either Iarnród Éireann ROTEM or NI Railways CAF trains until remaining upgraded trains enter passenger service later this year.
  •  Enterprise Refurbishment Programme key train changes:


-          Existing seating overhaul incorporating the fitting of new materials including leather

-          New tables with attractive finishings

-          New lighting

-          Power sockets for passenger use

-          New carpets throughout

-          New electronic seat reservation displays

-          New efficient eco lighting installed

-          Handrails refurbished

-          Vestibules/door interiors repainted

-          Toilets refitted

-          Redesigned catering car

-          Signage upgrades


-          Attractive new livery – red, purple, grey.

-          Enhanced signage to meet EU Standards

New Systems:

-          New audio and visual passenger information system

-          New passenger alarm system

-          New public address system

-          New Train Management System

-          Upgraded saloon and forward facing CCTV

-          New electronic seat reservation system to be available in 2016.

  • New Enterprise Menu: Tea and coffee will be significantly improved from the current offering across both Enterprise and Enterprise Plus.  Freshly brewed Java Republic coffee  as well as full leaf tea contained within a ‘tea pillow’ for a fresher brew.  There are also four types of flavoured tea added to the menu, served in glasses.  Other improvements to catering included:

-          Scented hot towels will replace hand wipes;

-          Wider choice of fresh food available, cooked onboard the train;

-          Enterprise Dining car now includes pre-bookable seating for 15 people.

-          New menus will be displayed on tables in Enterprise class

-           In tandem with the Enterprise refurbishment, a further EU funded scheme led by Iarnród Éireann is underway to carry out major refurbishment to the Drogheda Viaduct also due for completion in 2015

-          The Enterprise train service was first launched in 1997.

-          There are three Enterprise train sets in operation, each comprising eight coaches.

-          There are eight Enterprise services in each direction, Monday – Saturday, and five journeys in each direction on Sundays.


SEUPB Background

-          The Special EU Programmes Body is a North/South Implementation Body sponsored by the Department of Finance and Personnel in Northern Ireland and the Department of Finance in Ireland. It is responsible for managing two EU structural funds Programmes PEACE III and INTERREG IVA designed to enhance cross-border co-operation, promote reconciliation and create a more peaceful and prosperous society

-          The INTERREG IVA Programme, funded under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), is worth €256 million and aims to address the economic and social problems which result from the existence of borders. It has two distinct priority measures to create co-operation for a more prosperous and sustainable cross-border region.

-             For more information on the SEUPB please visit

The Drogheda Viaduct Project:

  • In tandem with the Enterprise refurbishment, a further EU funded scheme led by Irish Rail is underway to carry out a major refurbishment to the Boyne Viaduct in Drogheda also due for completion by the end of 2015. Over €6m has been awarded for the major refurbishment. Originally built in 1885 the viaduct supports the main Dublin-Belfast railway line and is in need of prioritised investment to ensure its long-term efficient operation. The project will involve a number of essential refurbishment activities including steel repairs and full re-painting, renewal of track work over the viaduct; waterproofing of the deck, and installation of a new drainage system.