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Drawings of former Taoisigh for display in Government Buildings

At the request of the Department of the Taoiseach, the Office of Public Works has commissioned two portrait drawings of former Taoisigh Enda Kenny and Brian Cowen for display in Government Buildings.  The two recently completed drawings will join a series of portraits on paper which are on view in the corridor leading to the Cabinet Room in Government Buildings.  All drawings in the series were made from photographs.  The two artists commissioned to undertake the portraits are Catherine Creaney (Enda Kenny) and Blaise Smith (Brian Cowen).  The commission value for each portrait was €2,000.  The two new portraits will be installed alongside drawings of other former Taoisigh and Presidents of the Executive Council at the end of December 2017.  The entire series of drawings on display in the corridor can be viewed on tours of Government Buildings.

The Department of the Taoiseach has also initiated the commissioning of the formal portrait painting of the former Taoiseach Brian Cowen for display in Leinster House and the Office of Public Works will manage the commission on behalf of the Department.  The commission process is in the early stages and it is envisaged that a commission will be awarded and sittings will commence early in 2018.