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Dublin Castle Global Diaspora Summit concludes with adoption of the Dublin Declaration

The Minister for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora, Colm Brophy T.D. has welcomed the successful conclusion of the Dublin Global Diaspora Summit, which took place in Dublin Castle on Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 April.  The Summit concluded this afternoon with the adoption by Ministers of the “Dublin Declaration” a future agenda of action for global diaspora engagement. The Declaration commits the international community, working with partners from across society, to create conditions for migrants and diasporas to further contribute to sustainable development.  It will be presented at the first UN International Migration Review Forum taking place in New York this May. Speaking after the conclusion of the Summit Minister Colm Brophy said:  “Today is the starting point for a new diaspora-specific approach toward migration. As governments, we need to match the tremendous efforts being made across the world by diaspora in response to crisis, such as the Ukrainian diaspora who are providing support and shelter to millions of their compatriots who have been so cruelly forced from their homes."“This is why a key outcome of the Summit is a Global Diaspora Policy Alliance. This alliance will bring together all relevant stakeholders from across government, academia, civil society and the private sector.  Each of these groups has a different perspective, a unique set of experiences, and a wealth of knowledge to bring to the table." “The Dublin Declaration reflects all of these perspectives – how we can nurture our diaspora, benefit from our connection to them, and assist those migrants or those of migrant origin who find themselves in situations of need.”Notes to Editor

  • This was the first summit of the Member States of the IOM since 2013 and the first major international conference to take place in Ireland since the start of the Covid pandemic.
  • The IOM is the UN body with responsibility for International Migration Policy and is based in Geneva.
  • The Minister welcomed Ministers and Ambassadors from 12 countries who will be present in Dublin Castle to oversee the proceedings, with a further 100 delegations contributing online.  
  • Over 700 participants registered for the Summit, including delegations from most UN Member States, major international organisations, civil society groups and the media. 
  • The Summit is in preparation for the International Migration Review Forum, a major review of global migration policy being organised by the United Nations in New York in May.
  • The Minister  gave a presentation of Ireland’s Diaspora Policy, considered one of the best of its kind internationally.
  • The Summit comes against the background of major migration crises taking place across the world, in particular, Ukraine, which has seen the largest migration flows in Europe since the Second World War. 


Press Office

5 April 2022