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€3.88 million now issued as part of turf cutting compensation scheme

The Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht has provided an update on the compensation payments made under the Cessation of Turf Cutting Compensation Scheme.

To date, compensation payments made under the scheme total €3.88 million, and the majority of this expenditure relates to financial payments to applicants for compensation under the scheme. As of this week, 2,381 payments of €1,500 each have been made to applicants under the scheme. Almost 2,500 tonnes of turf have also been delivered to turf cutters under the scheme at a cost of €316,000.

Under the Cessation of Turf Cutting Compensation Scheme, turf cutters can apply for financial compensation of €1,500 - index linked and tax free, payable annually for 15 years - or they can apply to relocate to another bog where they can cut turf legally. For those who choose to relocate to another bog, they can choose either the financial compensation or a delivery of 15 tonnes of turf to their home each year, as an interim compensation whilst awaiting the sourcing of an alternative bog.

Applicants to the scheme will also receive a once-off payment of €500 upon signature of a legal agreement with the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. These agreements are being issued at present and, to date, 796 agreements have been sent to members of the scheme.


Note to Editors:

A bog-by-bog breakdown of the compensation payments made on each of the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) raised bogs is available on request.