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Early issue of Autumn Forestry Planting Approvals

Tom Hayes TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with responsibility for forestry, today announced the issue of financial approvals for forestry planting for the 2013 autumn planting season.

Making the announcement, the Minister of State commented, “I am pleased to announce that my Department will immediately commence the process for issuing financial approvals for 1,500 hectares of new forestry planting for the current autumn planting season. This announcement is being made earlier than normal and is in response to a request I received from representatives of the forest industry to open the Scheme early, which I am happy to be able to facilitate”.

Minister of State Hayes added, “the Afforestation Grant and Premium Scheme is a demand led scheme and it is ultimately the decision of the landowner whether he or she wishes to plant trees as there are a number of factors which influence a landowner’s decision to plant. However, it should be acknowledged that, notwithstanding the budgetary pressures which we have been seeking to address over the last number of years, the Government allocated significant funding for the continuation of the forestry programme and there are very financially attractive establishment grants and forestry premium available. I believe that forestry is a land-use option for farmers and landowners that merits serious consideration and the issue of financial approvals for the autumn planting season is an excellent opportunity for them to progress this option