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Early Years Education Forum will have a significant policy impact in future

Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan, TD, will today address a major policy forum on Early Years Education in Dublin Castle.

The policy forum follows on from the Minister’s decision earlier this year to establish an Early Years Education Advisory Group.

Speaking in advance of the forum Minister O’Sullivan said, “I am determined to work closely with the sector to bring a new focus on the vital role that education plays in early years settings. Positive progress has already being achieved and this forum will allow early years providers and other stakeholders to have a real input in developing policy in the area.”

“In Dublin Castle today 20 early years providers from across the country will be showcasing their innovative approaches to education. This exchange of ideas and best practice is a very practical and collaborative way for the sector to progress and is very welcome.”

A number of workshops covering five key themes in the early years sector will also be held. The themes to be explored are based on the European Quality Framework published earlier this year and are:
Evaluation and monitoring
Renowned academic, author and expert in early years policy, Professor Dr Paul Leseman of the University of Utrecht, will deliver a keynote address.
Minister O’Sullivan concluded by saying, “There is significant policy change in the early years sector and that momentum will continue over the coming years. This conference is important in giving providers and practitioners a forum for their views to be heard in this vital area.”