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Enterprise Ireland Announces Record Levels of Indigenous Exports to China

350 Attend Major China Trade and Investment Forum with Vice President Xi Jinping

Monday 20th February 2012: Enterprise Ireland today announced that indigenous Irish exports to China grew by 10pc in 2011, for the second year in a row and the agency is aiming for a further 15pc growth in 2012.

Enterprise Ireland made the announcement at the major China Trade and Investment Forum of more than 350 business delegates from Irish and Chinese firms.  China’s Vice President Xi and An Taoiseach Enda Kenny T.D. attended the forum which was organised by Enterprise, Ireland, IDA, Bord Bia and Science Foundation Ireland as part of Vice President Xi’s official visit to Ireland this week.

Enterprise Ireland is reporting that client exports to China grew by 10% in 2010 to €251m and initial estimates show that 2011 delivered a further 10%. The agency is aiming for a 15% growth in indigenous exports to China in 2012.  More than 200 Irish companies are exporting to China – 140 of them have offices in China.

Speaking at the event, Enterprise Ireland CEO Frank Ryan said:

“The visit to Ireland by Vice President Xi is hugely significant in terms of Ireland’s export-led recovery.  China is a priority market for Enterprise Ireland and we’re working intensively with Irish companies to help them access growth opportunities in China.” 

Frank Ryan added: “We are proud of our clients’ performance that has seen them grow Irish exports to China by 10pc year on year. This makes China the number one destination for indigenous Irish exports in the Asia region.”

The China Ireland Trade Forum involved several presentations to highlight Ireland’s strengths to the Chinese delegation such as high-end technologies from Ireland; Ireland as a location for 3rd level education for Chinese Students; Ireland as a source of some of the worlds leading food products to include dairy, meat and beverages and Ireland as a compelling investment location.