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ESTIMATES 2013: Funding to support the most vulnerable and substantial investment in capital projects to provide & sustain jobs

Following the publication of the 2013 Estimates, Mr. Phil Hogan T.D., Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, today (5 December 2012) said: "Budget 2013 contains significant measures to consolidate our public finances. We continue to address the most challenging fiscal and economic position in a generation. We continue to make progress towards restoring our economic sovereignty."




"The Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government has a broad and diverse agenda that presents particular difficulties in identifying areas for savings on the scale that is needed given the State’s extraordinarily difficult financial position. Every Minister has faced difficult choices and the savings in my Department have proved challenging to achieve."




"In working on my Department’s estimate for 2013, my focus has been to ensure that our programmes contribute, to the maximum extent possible, to the overall Government objective of economic recovery and employment, while at the same time assisting those most in need of support through the various programmes under my remit."




"While down on previous years, total DECLG funding of some €1.25 billion (including €43 million in capital investment carried over from 2012) is very significant. This funding will be invested in protecting the environment, supporting high quality and regionally balanced development, providing social housing, improving water quality and supporting community and rural development in partnership with local government and other local development bodies."




"The Estimates provide €467 million for current spending in 2013, which is similar to the provision made last year. Savings measures totalling some €19 million will be achieved. Savings will be delivered in departmental administration costs. Increased efficiencies/value for money will be achieved in the provision of housing services and there will be a reduced overall provision for the Local and Community Development Programme."




"€310 million is available in current expenditure to support housing programmes. As part of the Government’s response to the mortgage arrears position, new initiatives will be taken to assist those in difficulties. Further applicants will benefit from the Mortgage to Rent scheme in 2013. Additional housing units will also be secured through the National Asset Management Agency."




As part of the Government's response to the mortgage arrears position and to maintain social housing supply additional funding will increase social housing acquired through leasing in 2013. This will include the delivery of NAMA units, mortgage-to-rent agreements and transactions under the mortgage-to-lease initiative which is currently being developed.




"Substantial investment of €49 million will be allocated to support important local development work. Some 9,000 people who are distanced from the labour market will receive direct one-to one labour market training and supports through the Local and Community Development Programme in 2013."




"The EU Presidency 2013 involves a very significant programme of work for the Department. An additional €1.7 million is now being allocated to support this important work which will provide an opportunity to make a positive contribution to developments within the EU and demonstrate Ireland’s capabilities on the international stage."




Turning to capital spending, Minister Hogan said:




"Despite the savings that have had to be made, significant capital investment is still planned for 2013. I am satisfied that, even within the very difficult budgetary parameters available, some €783 million is to be invested in my Department’s capital programmes in 2013. A key priority is to maximise efficiency and secure best value from the resources we have. Capital investment supports jobs, provides economic stimulus and keeps money in circulation in the economy.




"My resolute focus will be to achieve the greatest possible output from the resources available to me. Of course, with increased competition, tender prices have fallen dramatically and significantly more can now be achieved for less. The approach will also involve refocusing priorities and driving efficiencies wherever possible."




"€329 million is being allocated to the Water Services Investment Programme which provides the critical infrastructure needed to support economic recovery, employment creation and environmental protection. The 2013 capital allocation will meet financial commitments on over 80 projects currently in progress as well as on completed projects."




"€275 million in capital funding will be invested in the housing sector. Momentum will continue on the major regeneration programmes; the allocation of significant funding to this area, in excess of €80 million in 2013, maintains the commitment to physical, social and economic regeneration which is vital from a social policy perspective and also in terms of job creation and economic renewal. In addition, a further 400 homes will be constructed or acquired under the social housing investment programme. The importance of protecting the most vulnerable in society is reflected in the provision being made for development of 350 new special needs units and up to 150 new homes to cater specifically for people with disabilities leaving institutional care."




"Finally, €105 million in funding for the LEADER programme will support measures aimed at improving the quality of life in rural areas and diversifying the rural economy. It will provide significant support for the creation and development of rural enterprises."