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Expressions of Interest sought - Appointments to the Disability Stakeholders Group

The Minister of State for Disability Issues, Mr Finian McGrath, invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced persons who wish to be considered for appointment to the Disability Stakeholders Group (DSG).

The purpose of the DSG is to provide a forum within which disability stakeholders can work collectively, to present one voice to Government in respect of the monitoring of the National Disability Inclusion Strategy (NDIS) 2017-2021 (NDIS). It comprises both disability service providers and disability service users, who will bring their lived experience to bear on the work of the Group.

Appointments to the DSG will be for a period of three years.

The Group meets approximately six to eight times a year and members are also required to attend the quarterly meetings of the NDIS Steering Group, and additional meetings as representatives on Departmental Consultative Committees.

The terms of reference of the Group are to:

  •   Work in partnership with government departments to monitor the implementation of the NDIS;
  •   Work collaboratively to bring solutions to the NDIS Steering Group including actions which support the effective implementation of the plan;
  •   Assist in developing a coordinated input, drawing on the lived experience of people with disabilities;
  •   Assist in monitoring delivery against agreed targets and to bring constructive suggestions for improving implementation;
  •   Work together to provide coordinated advice; and
  •   Respect the independence of the Chairperson of the DSG as facilitating the input of the group to the wider NDIS Steering Group.

Expressions of interest should be forwarded to to arrive not later than 5pm on Friday, 8 June.