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Extension of time to lodge AEOS 3 Applications

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD today expressed his satisfaction at the levels of interest being expressed in AEOS 3.

The scheme, which is broadly similar to last year's scheme, has annual funding of €20 million available and is open to all farmers other than those currently participating in either AEOS 1 or 2 or those farmers who will remain in REPS 4 beyond 2012. To facilitate the submission of applications and to allow farmers and planners alike to submit applications on time, Minister Coveney has extended the closing date for receipt of AEOS 3 applications by one week to Friday December 7, 2012. The Minister said that "due to the high level of interest in the AEOS 3 scheme, this one week extension to the closing date will allow the necessary time for both farmers and planners to complete work on hands".

Finally, Minister Coveney stated that farmers should ensure that all necessary documentation is submitted with applications directly to Johnstown Castle, Wexford.