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Fitzgerald addresses conference on "Protecting Children through Family Support"

Minister outlines her plans to transform Children and Family Support Services

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Frances Fitzgerald will today open the 5th biennial conference of the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre at NUI Galway. The theme of the conference is "Protecting Children through Family Support"

Addressing the conference Minister Fitzgerald stated:

"Family is so important to our personal life but it is also of immense importance to society in general. Family is where people learn to be good citizens, to take responsibility, to live in harmony with others. But unfortunately for some children, family is also where things can go wrong!

"Research tells us that successful families are the building blocks of a strong, cohesive society. Research also tells us that parenting is key. As Minister I want to do all I can to support children through supporting parents. As somebody said to me recently: "you know, children don’t come with manuals!"

"So, as Minster with responsibility for both children and family support… it is my determined objective to oversee the transformation of our country’s Children and Family Support Services, to ensure quality integrated services are available for those who need them and to achieve the best outcome for families and children.

Minister Fitzgerald confirmed her intention to proceed with the establishment of a dedicated new Children and Family Support Agency separated out from the HSE.

Minster Fitzgerald added: "I have also been very impressed by the work of the pilot Children’s Services Committees around the country. I look forward to evaluating the outcomes of these pilot committees and I believe that the type of local inter-agency working which has been facilitated and promoted by these committees will have an important place in the future delivery of children and family services.